InStep - Help

Menu Bar

The menu bar contains the following items which are described in more detail below:

- File
- Toolbox
- Settings
- Help


The file menu allows importing and exporting of files. Selecting 'Import' brings up a dialog box of the file structure on the computer. By selecting the appropriate file filter from the drop down box, different file formats can be selected, depending on the available license.
Currently, the following CAD file formats are supported:
- STL (Stereolithography) both ASCII and Binary formats are supported and the type is automatically detected during import
- OBJ (Wavefront). Most geometry is supported (triangles and quadrilaterals are the most common though some more complex shapes can be successfully loaded). Texture, color and materials are currently not supported.
-DAE (Collada) files have only very basic support. Files exported from Sketchup usually load though the conversion will usually encounter issues if the data is more complex.
- VRML is supported though only a basic implementation that extracts data from the geometry nodes. More complex shapes, color and materials are currently not supported.
- X3D is only supported at the same level of complexity as vrml files.
- GDML files are supported to a fairly high level but only for triangular surfaces and materials are not translated in full. Part names are imported.

In addition to the CAD formats, FE mesh files (depending on license) are supported (only geometry, no boundary/setup data):
- Nastran BDF/NAS/DAT, allows loading of surface and volume elements and nodes.
- Ansys Poly files are supported for import.
- Ensight (GEO/CASE) files are supported for import/export in the binary format (Ensight Gold format)
- Patran (OUT) formats are supported for import and export
- GMsh files (GMSH/MSH) files are supported in both ASCII and binary format for versions 1.0, 2.0. only solid/surface elements are provided in that format.
-CFE Mesh files are supported for Surface elements only.


The toolbox provides some common functions that are applicable to working with external STEP files. The current options allow the conversion from long to short expressions and vice versa. Some CAD applications can import and export both formats. Using short expressions allows the file size to be smaller, long expressions are more common. The conversion is loss-less and expressions that are not understood are skipped.


The settings menu item has two options: Configurations and Language. See their respective help pages for more information:




The help menu contains several items:

- About: displays basic information concerning the application, such as version and location of files related to the application.

- Report and Issue: We rely heavily on user submitted feedback about issues that arise over the course of using the application. This option starts a dialog box where you can submit information regarding an issue you have encountered.

- Online Help: brings up the main help page.

- Discussion forum: links to the discussion forum for users of the InStep application. De developer information is also posted there as are general questions and answers to different subjects.

- Video Tutorials: launches the site with YouTube hosed tutorials on the basic use of the InStep application with developer information and tips and tricks.

- Check for Updates: contacts the Solveering server to check if there are any updates available. Updates are manually installed by the user (through the download page). The application periodically checks for updates without user interaction.

- Licensing Info: displays the license status of the application.

- Buy License online: allows a user to purchase or upgrade a license for the InStep application.