InStep Studio


Catalogue of Help Videos
for the InStep Studio 3D Application

All of the videos related to the Tutorials as well as other videos related to the use and special functions of the InStep Studio application are available on our YouYube Channel which also contains closed captioning. Nevertheless, this page has been created to give a quick overview over these videos (the previews below all run at greatly accelerated speed with minor editing to remove gaps).
Please note that you -may not- redistribute the videos without our explicit consent. Please Contact Us should you wish to use any part of these videos for educational or commercial purposes.

InStep Tutorials 1-7

These are the Videos which generally follow the Tutorials. For the example files and other information, please visit the relevant items directly from that link.

General Overview and Walk-Through videos

The separate YouTube Channel for our Overview and Walkthroughs contains videos that show different processes from start to finish and provide some context for what is done and why.

Deep-Dive videos

The separate YouTube Channel for our InStep Deep Dive contains videos that take a closer look at several of the tabs and specific capabilities. These are considered a good source of additional information once you have used the tools, read the online help files and want to find out more.